1. Why a private counselor
Truthfully, not everyone needs a private college counselor. Information abounds and in recent years the private college counseling industry has grown. There are hundreds of books and resources available as well as information at IECA, HECA, and NACAC that you can use to assist you in your search and application process. Most public high schools offer some minimal assistance and if you are one of the lucky ones, you are in a school where there is at least one person able to help your student with her/his research and application submission.
At The Accepted Life I work with families who don't have time to stay current on trends in the field, know how best to maximize their time researching best fit colleges, develop a college visit plan or the myriad of other components of a successful college search. Some of my students attend high schools with college counselors but prefer more individualized attention and some students don't have any access at all. I think you'll value the time we spend together and know your search and application process will be smoother.
At The Accepted Life I work with families who don't have time to stay current on trends in the field, know how best to maximize their time researching best fit colleges, develop a college visit plan or the myriad of other components of a successful college search. Some of my students attend high schools with college counselors but prefer more individualized attention and some students don't have any access at all. I think you'll value the time we spend together and know your search and application process will be smoother.
2. Why The Accepted Life?
I am committed to providing high quality college counseling; however, I'm not here to sell you something you don't need. After your first free consultation it will be up to you to decide if we are a god fit. We won't know until we talk and learn about your goals and my work style. I think that after you have a chance to get to know me, you'll want to continue to work together, but like finding the best fit college, finding a best fit college counselor is important for a successful experience. After all, we'll be working together for a long time!
3. Do you provide remote or virtual services?
Yes! In fact, I find that today's students often prefer to meet virtually. Post-Covid students have become accustomed to meeting via Zoom and everyone finds that the efficiency it provides is unbeatable. With the time and traffic demands of the area, I can provide better services to you when I am focussed on the services rather than the clock. While I love to see you in person, virutal meetings have become the norm.
4. When are you available?
I am available to meet with students based on their unique needs and availabilities. I have clients in different time zones, with busy schedules and some students due to work or extracurricular activities are limited to precise schedules. I am available to meet at times that work best for the both of us. With the college advising platform College Planner Pro, we can always be in touch via texting and email.
5. When should our family begin meeting with a counselor?
While there is no perfect time to begin working with an independent counselor, most families begin second semester of sophomore year with a brief planning meeting to help chart an academic course and discuss testing options for junior year. Another touchpoint is often summer time when many students go on college visits and most families begin meeting with us regularly throughout junior year. With the hardest and most intense work beginning in the summer prior to senior year, if your student plans to apply early, the November deadlines approach quickly. Doing as much work during the summer is beneficial for everyone.