An investment worth makingInvesting in your child’s college education may be the largest financial commitment you make in your entire life. If you have multiple children and take into account the benefits associated with earning a college degree, it will most certainly be your family’s most important investment. Often, families approach this experience without the proper guidance or advice, instead relying on an often over burdened high school guidance counselor.
On average a high school guidance counselor spends about 30 minutes per year per student on college planning activities. The Accepted Life’s focus is to provide college guidance and advice exclusively to your student. We provide families with individualized and personal support for as many or as few hours as they need. Unlike high school guidance counselors, we focus solely on the college application and admission process and can offer specific services that are not typically provided at your child’s school, including: ⧫ Interest assessment ⧫ Resume creation ⧫ Extracurricular and summer activity review and planning ⧫ College list development (match, likely, reach) ⧫ Preparation and mock college interviews ⧫ College application guidance and review ⧫ College essays brainstorming, proofreading, and editing ⧫ Advice on campus visits and tours We know that investing in college admission counseling is an important decision. Beyond the financial commitment The Accepted Life also offers these benefits: ⧫ We’re available to you and your student as necessary. We are flexible and available to work with you and your family at the times that work best. ⧫ We understand and know the personalities of colleges. It’s our job to be the eyes and ears of our families by getting to know colleges both near and far ⧫ We know you aren’t just a number or a data point. We work hard to meet the needs of our clients and their families. One size doesn’t fit all - getting to know our students and their unique needs is what we do best ⧫ We stay up to date on the latest trends in admissions. We watch trends and transitions and know that as professionals guidance in understanding these trends is important ⧫ We are committed to college access for all. period. |